Monoxide/ Peroxide...ToMAYtoe/Tomatoe - It's all the same, Right?

I swear my children can say the DARNEDEST of things sometimes!πŸ˜‚

That's their job right? Children say things that can leave us adults speechless, scratching our heads in bewilderment, or full on laughing out loud?! Am I right? Happen to you lately?

Sometimes what they say is said in innocence, and other times they speak beyond their years with great thought. But no matter the delivery method,  I am "always" left with a smile.

Well... almost always. I am raising boys here. Sometimes I am just grossed out! 🀒 and I would share some examples but I have currently been blessed with an absent mind on said subject. PHEW!
 You have been spared. Lucky!

So, where am I going with this? Well...I got a funny for you and a story.

 Double the pleasure, double the fun...right! (Sorry if that jingle from the 90's is now stuck in your head. Well..sorry-not- sorry, it's been on repeat in mine for over an hour now.)

Yesterday, while I was attempting to make some semblance of a dinner, my sweet 2nd came up to me with something on his mind.
 This boy doesn't share often, and lately when he has anything to say it  gravitates towards a conversation on a certain rifle, or a particular powder load in a bullet. What? I know! He leaves me with almost NOTHING that I can converse with and so our conversations turn up short. But right now, I'm all ears.

Side note... I seriously need to study up so I can communicate with this 7 year old! 
But that is another day and another to-do list. πŸ˜‚

Anywho...My 2nd opens with "Mom, I learned an important lesson today."

Wait, what? This might be going somewhere.

"I learned that when I am going super fast on my bike, I can't turn sharp and brake." Now, it's not what he said, but how he said it that made me smile. It was clear a  life lesson had been cataloged forever.

"Today, when I was riding my bike, I crashed and scraped my leg up and then Nana MADE (said with despair) me get a Band-aid."

Oh man. I can picture the pain, for in the early 90's I learned the same lesson myself and left lots of skin on the playing field. BUT I couldn't help but think, "Oh- you poor dear. Your Nana, who DOESN'T dish out band-aids like they are candy, was concerned enough to get you a bandage? That is saying something. It must have been an epic wreck and I am so glad I missed it."

He continues, " And before she put it on she FORCED (said with shock) me to put Carbon MONoxide in it!" 🀣😜🀭

Oh my word! He just confused Hydrogen Peroxide with a poisonous gas. Great!  I seriously stopped listening for a moment and thought how blessed I am that my kids don't go to public school because I am sure their stories would draw WAY TOO MUCH attention. Could you imagine trying to explain this to CPS?πŸ€ͺ

"Carbon MONoxide?" to clarify.  "No Carbon DIoxide Mom. And then she told me of the time she had to put it on Uncle C after Dad hung him in the tree, and he blistered his WHOLE back from the Carbon Monoxide!"My boy said this all with awe and pride; that he comes from such genetic stock makes him proud. <3

I seriously had to run to write this down because I didn't want to forget the funny that  just transpired in all of forty-five seconds. Hopefully you chuckled, but maybe you just had to be there.🧳✈️

BUT as promised- here's the story; the above was only the funny. AND this story is a goody. Well it's a painful story...a boy story...a story that everyone laughs over now...AND that is the only reason why it's a goody.

When Ray was younger he and his two older brothers truly hung their littlest brother (6-years younger than Ray) up in a tree. They hung him upside-down, by his ankles, and then when he insisted on being released....Ray just gave him the loose end of the rope! C was such a little fella he didn't think about all the moving parts of the situation so he just. let. go. 😲He was free yes, but he skinned the entirety of his back as gravity pulled him down the length of the entire tree trunk. It was bad.

Mom cleaned him up and administered  peroxide (not carbon monoxide 🀣 )while the brothers watched. Unknown to Mom though, C was allergic to peroxide and his back almost instantly blistered. From Ray's recollection these were HUGE watery blisters. So what did these older brothers do in the next day or two? They would smack C's back and pop them! Yah, not their finest moment. And Ray looks back and recognizes the error.

So...yup. There ya go. There is another story for the ages and another shining example of why the shirt that reads "Mom of  Boys- Less Drama, but HARDER to keep alive," is so darn appropriate for the genetics I am dealing with.🀦

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