What's With The Name?

A Thirsty Thistle....ya, that sounds pretty awesome rolling off the tongue doesn't it? 

I have always been fascinated and attracted to these pretty little suckers.  

** side note** When I was in the single digits, in a favorite spot up in Utah's Uinta Mountains, I spotted my first cluster of thistle and was captivated.  Naturally I tried to pick one and...ya.. .not smart. But I was a kid, and sometimes isn't that just how kids have to learn? By exploring? By doing?  By learning boundaries? I instantly learned to admire these purple explosions and with precaution have been on the lookout for their striking beauty ever since

Well whether you are or aren't curious about the name of this blog I feel like I will take the time to TRY and explain. 

But remember...here's a small DISCLAIMER! In case ya haven't noticed,  I am a woman and my thought process is...well.... it's rather complicated and seemingly tangential at times. You are shocked... I know. I "surprise" my husband too.

Never, ever can he get a simple answer to "what are you thinking?" My hands criss-cross my head and he just knows to sit down and hang on.

Haven't you ever seen "A Tale of Two Brains?" by Mark Gungor? If not you are MISSING OUT!

But here we go....You see- I find that I can relate to this elegantly ferocious flower. So why not name my blog after it?

Symbolically a thistle represents "bravery, courage, and loyalty. The tough, painful spikes suggest endurance and fortitude. The vibrant pink or purple represents royalty and nobility, in character" as well as pedigree.

I am like a thistle, and yet I don't say that to boast. Aren't we all like thistles: brave, courageous, and striving to be able to endure what life throws our way?  

Pause to think on that one for a minute. It can be fun. 

Now, where does the "thirsty" part come from? The thirsty part is actually the best part of this whole title and so incredibly "simple". I AM THIRSTY! I am always trying to improve.

I thirst for:
...those  mommy moments, and the magic or laughter in them
...new memories with family near and far.  Family time is truly the best of time
...moments with my friends that range in age and style.... but are so wise and fortifying
...simplicity. Not just environmentally, but down to my core.  *To me a pioneer had more.*
...time with my husband. Why is it that dates are so hard to come by?
...cleanliness! Come on y'all I have 4 boys! I need clean! Clean air! Clean floor! 
...quiet moments. Let's face it, am I ever alone with my thoughts anymore?
...creative time. There is fulfillment in creating something from "nothing." 
...Sacred time. I would not be the woman I am without it. 

Allow me to elaborate on that last point.

The thistle represents nobility and royalty...remember? Well...This is what I know for a fact makes a thistle represent me well. 

I am a daughter of God. I am royalty on such a higher level. We are all royalty.

My Father in Heaven has sent me here to learn- to grow; yet how can I do that without seeking, or thirsting, for sacred moments to direct my path? 

Whether through large or small strides I am constantly searching for sacred moments, to alleviate the divine discontent,  so that I can one day reach my divine potential. 

This is why I NEED sacred time. Christ is living water 

                If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink, John 7:37.

*This talk by Neal A. Maxwell...the mastery of language!*

Now, am I not "A Thirsty Thistle?" 
 ....aren't we all? Think about it.

 * I am wiggling my eyebrows right now, not that you would see it, but it is true none the less. It's the kind of wiggle that makes one think and grin all at the same time. Clever me.*

This blog is here to help me share the thirst quenching moments of my life. 

As much as "Grit-N- Grins" speaks volumes, "A Thirsty Thistle" says a whole lot more

PS... Thanks for being a part of this venture. don't forget to subscribe

* all images for this post were found on cleanpublicdomain.com


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