Is There Quit In 'r?
Is there quit in'r? I am sure that is the question some have asked in my "mysterious" blogging absence, but I am here to say ....
I don’t have quit, but I dare say I almost abandoned this blogging venture a few times over these last few months because life was getting "messy."
I can’t keep up with all I intend to do and it wasn't until recently I decided that's okay! I can't keep postponing projects till the perfect moment because that moment will never come.
Even if I can only lay a stitch there, type a paragraph here, or place a weld over there I would be accomplishing something and getting closer to a finished product and that's better than nothing.
So I am going to embrace what I have to work with and roll with it. AND yes....that might make things a bit more messy, but that's life.....It's messy. ESPECIALLY with four boys!
-My boys are not my restrictions but blessings-
AND after a L.O.N.G three month absence I am ready to tackle this fun blogging project and others despite the mess. Life isn't going to go the way I have it planned, and it's about time I come to accept that.
(Proof of this is in the "picking" to the right- all I wanted was a quick candid family picture with Idaho behind and Montana in our sight.)
So no- no I don’t have quit- BUT I do have moments when my eyes go wide and I see how much “crazy” I've got to deal with and I withdraw and recalculate in silence. I almost quit, but I didn't and that is what counts right now.
SO now that I am "better" and have recalculated...... Where should I begin?
I wish I had time to type out all the things my family has done since May, but I don't. (My younger two boys are sleeping and that is just as much of a ticking time bomb as a grocery- shopping trip near lunch time! I don't have long to get these swirling words down on paper!)
I started typing this post over 3 weeks ago and if I try to play catch-up now it will likely be another 3 weeks till I can sit in peace again. HAHA!
So short of the long...... We are running around like decapitated chicken around here. Can you picture it? ( In case you don't know....that is term coined from a real life visual of crazy. Look it up. Or don't, it's not pretty, but oh so crazy!)
This summer has been filled with road trips to see family coupled with project planning and execution large and small.
When I say large scale- I mean LARGE scale. From horse shades to a 40' x 50' by 20' tall pole barn- we are up to our eyeballs in ambitious pursuits over here.
We are- as always- juggling home-schooling like rural champs. That means my boys are always covered in dirt or hay and I am always in awe of where our learning goes and wondering what we got accomplished.
Just the other day I had a list of things to get done, but instead I was blind sided by a question first thing in the morning...."Mom, what did people do for chapped lips before chap-stick stuff?" Well, we looked that one up and it wasn't pretty. EAR WAX! Yes, according to a trusted source earwax was used to aid in chapped lip cases. YUCK!!!!!
And what is worse? I tried to visually demonstrate the "yuck" by having my boys clean out their ears and inspect their findings- knowing the waxy gunk could be used to cure cracked lips. Bet you're not shocked to learn that none of my boys found it unacceptable or gross. BUT I DID! Yuck! So to reign it back in we started reading a book about spider webs and their silk and that led us to an activity to extract DNA from a strawberry......
Oh the life of home-school and boys...
The messier, the better the focus. It was a great day.
I start each day with certain plans and most of the time we can't stick to it, AND I am learning that is okay. It is WAY OKAY.
Case in point, I didn't wake up thinking I would be finishing this blog post, wasn't even on the radar, but the window opened and I left the mountain of holey jeans to embrace it.
So who knows when I will be able to post something again between dishes and patching britches AND who knows what my next post will be about.
I sure don't. But that's okay! Stay tuned.
Gr8 picture the boys contribution's