Fair Followup

Can I start by saying how ridiculously proud I am of my boys!
(And that I started this post weeks ago! Sorry, but the thought counts right? )

Every single one of my boys placed Best in Class! and the cherry on top.... #4 got Best in Show!

Every one in our family who entered walked out with at least one yellow ribbon, and some with three! This is a family best and we are elated.

Side note- It wasn't until we went to pick up the entries that we realized #1 got Best in Class on all of his entries. We missed the yellow ribbon on his train painting by assuming it went to the entry in front of his- oops. 

Watching these brothers rally behind each other's victories and accomplishments was a moment to treasure with more enjoyment taking them with eager anticipation to show their great-grandma all they had accomplished. 

They just oozed pride and excitement as they presented her with all the goods - and I dare say the parents were beaming with pride too.

We have a great bunch of boys that keep us on our toes and can accomplish anything if they set their mind to it.

(Jesus in a boat with a camo print sail- complete with a pocket for a pocket knife.")
Next years projects are already being dreamed up and per the usual, they are grand ambitious plans.

#1 wants to make a half track go-kart and has already drafted a few blueprints and commenced research on making tank tracks. 
I have no idea how he is going to pull this one off, but I will most likely have to reign him in in a few weeks. 
This boy is a dreamer with a limited budget and at times he forgets that. haha

#2 wants to make a gun belt complete with the do-dads that hold the casings. 
The leather has already been bartered for with his Papa - at a "steep" price of 25 buckets of weeds - and he would have started cutting and fitting the pieces if we hadn't insisted on a plan being drafted first.

I have yet to hear word on what #3 wants to do, but #4 informed me that I need to make a unicorn cake next year. "Unicorns win Mom, and if you had done a unicorn this year you would have a green ribbon too."  What a crack up.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Glad you entered Ruth's quilt, EVERYTHING ENTERED IS OUTSTANDING! 💀


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